Te marki już podpisały porozumienie Accord 2018 |
Te marki kilka lat temu podpisały pierwsze porozumienie Accord, ale ociągają się z podpisaniem najnowszego porozumienia Accord 2018 |
Te marki nigdy nie podpisały żadnego z porozumień na rzecz bezpieczeństwa pracowników |
A&M Holmberg
Adidas Åhléns Aldi North Aldi South America Today American Eagle Outfitters APG and Co Arcadia Group Artsana (Chicco) Auchan Baumhueter International Bel&Bo Bel-confect Benetton Bestseller Bonmarché BrandCo Management Brands Fashion Bristol Brüzer Sportsgear C&A Camaïeu Carrefour Casino Global Sourcing Cherokee/Hi-Tec Sports Chicca Comtex CoolCat Coop Danmark Cotton On Dansk Supermarked Group Daytex Mode Designworks Distra DK Company El Corte Inglés E Leclerc Ernsting’s Family ESPRIT Fast Retailing Fipo Group Forever New Fruit of the Loom Gina Tricot G-Star H&M Hakro Hanson Im-und Export GmbH Helly Hansen HEMA Hemtex HKG Garment Solution Horizonte Hugo Boss Hunkemöller ID Identity Inditex (incl. Zara) JBC JOGILO John Lewis Julius Hüpeden Juritex Import & Export GmbH KappAhl Karstadt Kid Interior KiK Killtec Sport Klaus Herding / Herding Heimtextil Kmart Australia LC Waikiki Lidl Loblaw LPP Mainpol Mango Marks and Spencer Matalan Mayoral Moda Metro Miss Etam Monoprix Morrison Supermarkets Mothercare MS Mode N Brown New Agenda by Perrin New Frontier New Look New Wave Group Next
OLYMP Bezner O'Neill Orsay Otto OVS Peak Performance Prénatal Moeder & Kind Prénatal Retail Group (Prénatal: BimboStore; Mawi) Primark PVH PWT Brands RAWE Moden Reima Rewe Group River Island RNB Retail and Brands Sandryds Schmidt Group Shoeby Shop Direct Schijvens Confectiefabriek Hilvarenbeek s.Oliver Specialty Fashion Group Stadium Star Brands Apparel Stockmann Group Suprema Takko Tally Weijl Target Australia Tchibo Tesco Texsport The Sting House of Brands Top Grade International Transmarina Handelsgesellschaft TVM Europe Uhlsport Uncle Sam Van der Erve Varner Vetta VOICE Norge AS WE Fashion Wibra Supermarkt Woolworths Australia Yongo Europe Y’Organic Zeeman Zephyr Headwear |
Abercrombie & Fitch
Accolade Group (Accolade USA Inc, Levelwear)
Antigua Group Inc
Aristocrate Distributor Ltd
Bebe Clothing (UK) LTD
Bovi Verdi BV
Brands Fashion
Brüzer Sportsgear LTD
Chantal SAS
Character World
Charles Vogele
CMT Windfield
Colombus Textilvertrieb GmbH
Comazo GmbH & Co Kg
Crown Textil GmbH
Danielle Group plc
De Bijenkorf
DPDB Group
E5 USA, Inc.
Edinburgh Woollen Mill
Ellos Group
EMC Distribution
Entrade Manufacturing Co. Limited
Face to Face GmbH & Co.KG
Fashion Linq
Fashion Team Handels
Fat Face
Florett Textil GmbH & Co
Fristad Kansas Sverige AB
Full Service Handels GmbH
G.Gueldenpfennig GmbH
Gebra Non Food Handelsges GmbH
Gekås Ullared AB
Gruppo Coin / OVS
Hawkesbay Sportswear Limited UK
Heinrich Obermeyer GmbH & Co. KG
Heli Far East Ltd
Helly Hansen
Hess Natur-Textilien GmbH
Holland House Fashion
Horst Krüger GmbH
Hueren OHG professional outfits
IC Group
ICA Sverige
Intersport AB
J2 Licensing, Inc
Jolo Fashion
Knights Apparel
L.A. T Sportswear, Inc
Lakeshirts, Inc.
Licensing Essentials Pty.Ltd.
Madness Sport
Malu N.V.
Mosgen Limited
Multiline Group
MV Sport, Inc.
Noni B
Nu Sourcing Ltd
OSPIG Textil Logistik GmbH
OTL Brands Ltd
Outerstuff Ltd
Pacific Brands
Padma Textiles
Rheinwalt Trade & more GmbH i.Gr.
Sean John Apparel
Shop Direct Group
T Shirt International, Inc.
Techno Design GmbH
Ted Bernhardtz at Work
Teddy S.p.A.
Tex Alliance
The Sting B.V.
Topline, Inc.
TV Mania UK Ltd
Unibrands AB
United Labels AG
Veldhoven Group
Verburgt Fashion B.V.
W Republic
Wilson Design Source Supply
Workwear Group Pty Ltd
Worldtex GmbH
Wünsche Group
Yanis Textil Trade GmbH
Licensing Essentials Pty.Ltd.
Noni B
Pacific Brands
Workwear Group Pty Ltd
Fashion Team Handels
Malu N.V.
Tex Alliance
IC Group
Chantal SAS
CMT Windfield
EMC Distribution
Colombus Textilvertrieb GmbH
Comazo GmbH & Co Kg
Crown Textil GmbH
Florett Textil GmbH & Co
Full Service Handels GmbH
G.Gueldenpfennig GmbH
Gebra Non Food Handelsges GmbH
Heinrich Obermeyer GmbH & Co. KG
Hess Natur-Textilien GmbH
Horst Krüger GmbH
Hueren OHG professional outfits
Jolo Fashion
Face to Face GmbH & Co.KG
Multiline Group *
OSPIG Textil Logistik GmbH
Rheinwalt Trade & more GmbH i.Gr.
United Labels AG
Worldtex GmbH
Wünsche Group
Yanis Textil Trade GmbH
Hong Kong
Entrade Manufacturing Co. Limited *
Heli Far East Ltd *
Mosgen Limited *
Techno Design GmbH
Teddy S.p.A.
De Bijenkorf
Bovi Verdi BV
DPDB Group
Fashion Linq
Holland House Fashion
Veldhoven Group
Verburgt Fashion B.V.
Madness Sport
Padma Textiles
Ellos Group
Fristad Kansas Sverige AB
Gekås Ullared AB
ICA Sverige
Intersport AB
Ted Bernhardtz at Work
Unibrands AB
Charles Vogele
United Kingdom
Aristocrate Distributor Ltd
Bebe Clothing (UK) LTD
Character World
Danielle Group plc
Edinburgh Woollen Mill
Fat Face
Hawkesbay Sportswear Limited UK
Nu Sourcing Ltd
OTL Brands Ltd
TV Mania UK Ltd
Wilson Design Source Supply
Abercrombie & Fitch
Accolade Group (Accolade USA Inc, Levelwear)
Antigua Group Inc
E5 USA, Inc.
J2 Licensing, Inc
Knights Apparel
L.A. T Sportswear, Inc
Lakeshirts, Inc.
MV Sport, Inc.
Outerstuff Ltd
Sean John Apparel
T Shirt International, Inc.
Topline, Inc.
W Republic